Angliai e-kereskedelem 2009: növekvő online költések
2009. február 10. írta: vecseilaszlo

Angliai e-kereskedelem 2009: növekvő online költések

A hirdetési költés és az elektronikus kereskedelem erősek maradnak - A mobil marketing jelentős növekedés előtt áll - Az átláthatóság és a bizalom felértékelődik - A gazdasági válság katalizálja az online folyamatokat.

Forrás: eMarketer

"UK Ad Spending, E-Commerce Remain Strong
UK online ad spending will pass £3.5 billion in 2009, and will show some growth despite financial and political uncertainties in the UK.

The Internet will continue to help consumers cope efficiently with a more challenging marketplace. Internet users will spend longer online, exploring options and seeking value for their money. Advertisers who target this committed audience effectively will achieve solid returns on their investments.

E-commerce will also thrive in 2009, passing £68.4 billion in spending as more consumers avoid the stress of crowded transport systems and city centers to shop from home. Major online retailers that upgrade to offer true multichannel shopping and delivery/return options—as well as value for money—will gain market share, while a number of second-rank e-shops will stagnate or go out of business.

Most online retailers will continue to court shoppers with money-off promotions and discounted delivery charges, and at least one supermarket chain will experiment with large-scale e-mail distribution of promotional coupons for grocery products bought in-store." ... >>

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Vecsei László hírblog tudástára az eKeresekedelem, eCommerce, magyar e-kereskedelem, webáruházak, online marketing, valamint a magyarországi könyvkereskedelem tárgykörökben. Elérhető: címen.

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