Az online videók életciklusa
2008. augusztus 19. írta: vecseilaszlo

Az online videók életciklusa

On average, video viewership peaks early in a video's life-cycle

Forrás: tubemogul - empowering online video

"We set out with a simple question: throughout the life of a video, do most views occur in the first few days and weeks or are they distributed randomly over time? Since TubeMogul tracks millions of videos, we turned to the data and were surprised to find such a robust trend: viewership peaks early.

Video creators: to predict your own views based on the results of this research, scroll down to the bottom of this page to utilize a special tool we developed.

Our sample includes data for views by day for 10,916 videos over a 90 day time period. In order to exclude casual creators of online video (i.e. "Mikey's Birthday"), each video in the sample achieved a minimum of 1,000 cumulative views over the 90 day time period. A statistician fit a curve to the data and projected out views by day for a full year. All data is from videos deployed by TubeMogul." ... >>

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